The tug of normalcy

It's been an interesting week for us. The sunshine that welcomed us back to the northwest was simply too good to hold true for long. Last week it was replaced by somewhat a reminder of portland weather- grey and overcast all week. Now it’s just plain cold on top of it and were it not for warm clothing donations from friends (thank you guys) we’d be freezing our butts off as our bodies continue to acclimate.
Despite the weather, we continue seeing old friends and soaking up time with family. Truth be told, we’re having a pretty amazing time. It’s crazy just how much we love the people in our lives. If you ever start to question that about your relationships you should definitely leave for a few years just to see how much you miss them.

We spent a couple days last week moving. One couple of friends moved just before our arrival and needed some help purging and organizing. Another we just helped move last week. Nothing like a move to remind you just how much “stuff” collects, and nothing like moving others to make you appreciate how little you have.
That, of course doesn’t mean we might not have gone too far the other way; and may need to add to the collection a tiny bit. This whole thing is about balance after all... We love living minimally, but find ourselves always heading to someone else’s place because we can actually sit down there (on actual furniture). We are currently living without a mattress, a couch or a table. We also have no knifes, no glasses, no spices or condiments. It’s funny the things we held onto and the things we no longer have, and it’s almost hilarious to listen to ourselves try and decide what we should purchase (or make or borrow) when we honestly don’t know how long we’ll be here or where we are headed next. That unknown feeling is nothing new, but here it definitely feels like we have a foot in both worlds at the present. Where is that mattress truck that used to drive around in mexico when we need it?

We also feel the pull of "normal" behavior here. Friends pass along possible job openings, we talk of buying a vehicle to expand our local traveling possibilities and we feel jealousy as we watch friends making an offer on a new home. It's amazing how easy it is to slip back into the context aroud you and we keep reminding ourselves that we don't know how long we'll be here.
Last weekend was the celebration of kelby and tricia’s birthdays so everyone got together for some fun in the only way a group of psuedo-adults would; roller skating. For the record, Im a bit top heavy and balance isn’t exactly my greatest skill. I only roller skated once in my life, and my attempt at inline skating in college ended with a backflip, a face-first curb landing and the loss of two teeth. This fun little outing struck fear into my core...

Turns out it was actually pretty fun. I spent my day making slow rounds in the outer lane while people of all ages and sizes whipped by me on the inside track. Felt a lot like driving the bus actually...
After, we all had a truly portland experience....roller derby. Roller derby has been gaining popularity in portland for years but this was Jen and my first experience. The national anthem sung by elvis with musical accompaniment by slash, followed by 100s of hipsters cheering on a few badass skater chicks. Portland has finally found a sport it can get behind. Im also thinking jen should find a team to soon as she can find a helmet with kitten ears.

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