The road to Guadalajara

I woke up feeling considerably better, so we began packing up the bus for the drive to Guadalajara.
Sent quick emails letting both the paparazzi and the vw show organizers know we were coming and hit the road. Were it not for two days sick, we probably would have spent some time prepping things for the show or at least cleaning the bus to make it attractive, but hey- it's a utilitarian vehicle and it shows. a lot.

The 4+ hour drive actually took us 7.5. Apparently we chose the long route, but got a beautiful drive through the mountains that many times actually reminded us of driving through central oregon. We read the rains have started there, but I'm betting that were we in the PNW we'd probably be out this weekend trying to get in one final backpacking trip before the weather turns for good. The road also takes us through countless small towns which means countless topes. Topes have to be at the top of the short list of things I would change in Mexico. We also see more animal signs than in our trip to date. Up until today the only "beware of" sign we've seen is for mexican cows (which is an illustration that looks a lot like a Picasso) but today's warning were for snakes, wild cats, coyotes and even what appeared to be an American cow...although I'm not sure how it got all the way down here. Had we known the drive would take so long we would make another descision, but we even stopped in for a quick tequila tasting en route.

We pull into Gdl and into the show hotel's parking lot (we don't plan to stay here but understand we can check in for the show and join a bit of a pre-show fiesta) excited to get out and stretch. I don't think it's possible, or else I would swear karma caught whatever I spent the last two days battling. If she weren't still drinking water and nibbling food from time to time we'd already be at the vet. Hoping that next time we write that issue is resolved and she's back to normal...
We spend the next few hours waiting to check in, hanging with the vw fanatics- and genuinely overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of everyone around us. Clearly we are the most difficult conversation in the place; but everyone includes us, hands us cervesas and walks us behind the hotel for a free taco feast/fiesta that grows quickly as the night goes on. We are beat, so we turn down offers to join them at the discoteca and return to the bus to sneak inside and setup camp unnoticed in the hotel parking lot. Luckily the security guard was busy hunting down Borracho troublemakers so we went unnoticed and avoided the $60 room charge.

Sadly we found out later that our (juan carlos') temporary cellphone had died en route and we missed our chance to reconnect with the paparazzi, at least for tonight. Couldn't be more exhausted, but are excited to wake up early to head over to the show grounds and see what the day brings.
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