Lifestyles and Lifelines
I had to go back and re-read the last few blog posts just to make sure I was remembering our
The Bears!
highlights from Homer
We loved all of our time in Homer… but the the highlight was (by far) our bear
Homer, AK
camping by the sea
We pulled into Homer, found the spit and again drove around until we found a nice
Back to the Oregon Coast
Pacific City and Oceanside We originally set the dates for delivering the van(s) because we wanted to make it
Delivery Week, it all comes together
with a few hiccups of course
We drove back south to portland feeling energized after a weekend with friends and
Back in the shop
for a final push
Back in Portland and back in the shop it was hard not to constantly count down
Sprinterfest 2018
And a return home We made our way north in separate vehicles, occasionally checking in on walkie talkies but mostly
Santa Barbara and San Jose
and settling in... We had planned this portion of our trip well before leaving for overland expo, but we didn&
Joshua Tree
finally... For years and many trips we have driven all around joshua tree. We've passed it on all
Schnebly Hill Road
we just can't leave sedona We never even planned on stopping in Sedona, much less staying...but the