Getting there...
We're continuing to make/finish our home base. Funny how it's the little things that make
Hours in the day
There just aren't enough of them... Seriously, sometimes I just can't figure out where the day
Orizaba to Cholula
Traffic jams and shipping containers...We stop in Orizaba for the night and sleep at the Grand Hotel de France.
2014, Year in Review
Looking back so we can look ahead... Last year we stumbled over the "year in review" and learned
On the road again!
sometimes we just couldn’t make this shit up! Spent our last few days in portland finishing furniture orders, watching
Between two worlds
Now that we know when we're leaving it's all about checking things off the list. We&
Oregon Wine Country
We finished up our week away with a few days in oregon wine country. It was a perfect getaway, and's fall
What a fast and furious couple of weeks...After finishing the big push that got us through Serving up Style
Marketing 101
The last week for us has been an interesting experience in local marketing. The Serving up Style event was unlike
Serving up Style
What a whirlwind. We have been exceptionally busy. All for good, but busy nonetheless. The stress has remained in check