Cabo, MX
a pirate looks at 40
We were only back in PDX for a few days before packing a bag and
Joffre Lakes again
We just cant get enough We knew we would return to Joffre Lakes after our last hike in with friends.
Jofffre Lakes
via portland We left Tofino in a hurry before sunrise because we had committed to a concert in portland. We
And southern Vancouver Island
Jess’ birthday was quickly approaching and the gang decided to hit Tofino for a few days
Glacier NP
Another surprise stop along the way
Almost every family member at the reunion asked if we were going through glacier
Sunshine Coast BC
The Sunshine Coast was our list, but wasn't exactly planned.
Once we caught up on sleep and recovered
the Okanagan Valley
BC Wine Country Our departure happened to line up well with memorial day weekend and with a long weekend for
Back to VAN
If we're going to be homeless anyway...We were only back in portland for a few days when
Playa Del Carmen
She ain't what she used to be... Maybe it was the fact that i picked up a bug
The end of our time in Tulum
And saying goodbye to our friendsSadly, just as we all seem to be settling into our new surrounds our friends