Arco Norte
Up and around mexico cityWe have been having great luck with the cities and parts of town we've
Orizaba to Cholula
Traffic jams and shipping containers...We stop in Orizaba for the night and sleep at the Grand Hotel de France.
from the gulf to villahermosa.After Merida our drive dips us momentarily along the gulf coast of mexico. We talk
The long drive across mexico
not our favorite part of the trip. There were two parts of the drive back home that we were less
Back to the mainland
We could stay on cozumel playing and exploring and eating/drinking forever. But we also are eager to begin making
the Big Game
We hopped a flight to Arlington.wait, what?? i's a bit confusing even to us.Two
Stuck on Cozumel
"stuck" because we have no desire to leave... We continue to have a great time soaking up friends
Cozumel, Mexico
what an amazing time... We met Kent and Lynn during our trip south while in playa cerritos on baja and
Xpu Ha
We drove north past tulum and into the heart of the mayan riviera. This section of mexico is always a
ahh, Mexico
A few hour drive and we found ourselves at the belize mexico border. We were almost giddy to return to