Bajia Los Angeles
Back on the Sea of Cortez
We spent one more day in Ojo de Liebre coming down from our whale
Among the Whales in Ojo
We woke with the sun (as per normal) and awaited the whales.Shari was waiting on the perfect boat and
Ojo de Liebre
We could have stayed on santispac for a month… and in the future may well do just that. But for
Loreto and Mulege
oh how we missed you.
Jen grabs one last coco ice cream (couldn't miss a day) and we
a precursor on driving in mexico
just in case you decide to drive a car in mexico. We currently have a friend in route to visit
La Paz
and a VW spa day.
We have been telling E for the last few weeks that he just needs to
onward to Baja!
its been too long.
We had heard from other travelers that you had to make a reservation 7-10 days before
Serendipity in Sayulita
and some new friends... In the morning we drive into sayulita. We figure we're so close we might
San Pancho
and... we're back on the Pacific!!
We leave tequila and follow the long winding road over the last
for the love of Tequila
both the drink and the town.
We made the quick trip from tonala to tequila and pulled in with giant