leap. and the net will appear...
Well, its official. we've finally done it.
gone off the deep end, lost it, completely insane...and it
Some time with the Portland Fam
A work trip provided a nice weekend with our friends (family) in Ptown.
The week at work was heads down
Out of Hibernation
As much as I hate to admit it, the number of blog posts over the last few months are actually
Clearly its midwinter... We haven't had much of a chance to escape lately and find ourselves spending an
Camping and GCVWS with the parents
It was the parents' last weekend in town before heading back to the states, and it also the weekend
Played our third tourney as team "balls of fury" today. This time, appropriately placed into the recreation division
Vintage VW Show Virgins
Bry and I are vw virgins. we have never been to a vw show. We have decided to DO IT
Whistler Volleyball Tourney
What a stellar weekend.
We headed north to whistler for a tourney this weekend with our volleyball team. Its hard
Insurance and Emissions
The Canada post strike must have ended because we have mail in our box again. That, or someone called and
Our thoughts on "stuff"
We woke up a few years back and realized that we were in a ton of debt and working our