BC Road Trip
and time with friends We left the beach and headed back to portland for a few quick days. Celebrated my
Return to VAN
Since Jen's return its been pretty much life as normal. Whatever "normal life" means to us
Back to Back to Van
its about time...We have been stateside for over 3 months and have been itching to get to Vancouver to
Looking back at a tranquilo August
Hard to believe its already september, but here it is, and here we we sit on the beach in southern
Ending Where it all Began
So here we are sleeping (okay, at least one of us) in a parking lot near Seattle.
Truly luxurious living
Moving Out
How many times have we done this in the last few years?
This particular session may have been easier if
The Baja 500
Our last week was a bit of a blur. Checking items off the to-do list, cancelling services, finishing up projects
Leaving is hard work
We are within a week of leaving BC and still realizing how difficult it will be to pull ourselves away
Only 1 week to go in Vancouver BC!
We have been busy! Wrapping up our jobs, preparing for our roadtrip, moving out of Condo living and into Bus
The Bus Movie Screening
In addition to some beach time and BBQs this weekend, we also got to go see a screening of The