the vehicle conundrum
It's amazing how such a small decision can be such a big conversation.Over the past few weeks
North of SanFran
we're getting close! After the 17 mile drive, we head north toward san francisco looking for Half Moon
SoCal Coast
and elephant seals...
We finally get the bus back together after a new clutch, a new brake line and other
Committment fears
The culture shock continues. It's hard to describe what a good time we're having. They say
Guatemala, Round 2
We successfully made our way back into guatemala, meaning we are no longer driving the roads of mexico (illegally).The
On the road again, Chiapas
We finally shake the dust off and get underway. Two more days working on the engine and seeking advice online
Still not yet in our stars to drive south...
The last few days have been spent mostly under the bus...but we're getting closer.
It took a
what would you do if you couldn't fail?
What would you do if money were no object? How would you really like to spend your life? What would
stop the madness...
Things are getting a bit out of control. We should really get better at twiddling our fingers and sitting quietly.
Puerto Escondido and Surrounds, Oaxaca
We finally made it out of zipolite (but didn't go far). was only 2 weeks later