Shop Days
It almost looks (feels) like a job. We have been trying to make a concerted push to finish the studio
the cost of stuff
And how it dictates our lives. We spend copious amounts of time discussing our life, our home, the things that
Goodbye Teardrop
And our relationship to Stuff. I've written on this topic before, and most around us know our views
Out of debt
and celebrating getting our heads above water.
After returning from VAN we had a few days of work around the
Loreto and Mulege
oh how we missed you.
Jen grabs one last coco ice cream (couldn't miss a day) and we
on money and freedom
and finding the balance... These days of long driving hours take us to places of deep conversation and deep thoughts.
2014, Year in Review
Looking back so we can look ahead... Last year we stumbled over the "year in review" and learned
Between two worlds
Now that we know when we're leaving it's all about checking things off the list. We&
Serving up Style
What a whirlwind. We have been exceptionally busy. All for good, but busy nonetheless. The stress has remained in check
Freedom to roam
I may be finally wrapping my mind around this whole freedom thing. It's only been in the last