business time
all work and no play...not quiteWe're still spending almost all our time in the shop and working
slowly but surely
It's been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks. The van is our primary focus
Return to Portland
It's time to get to work on the vanWe got in a select few days of volleyball when
changing of the seasons
and so it begins...
The blog seems to be getting less and less attention these days. Maybe i need it
Shop Days
It almost looks (feels) like a job. We have been trying to make a concerted push to finish the studio
Out of debt
and celebrating getting our heads above water.
After returning from VAN we had a few days of work around the
its about all there is to do. Since we realized we're out of money, things seems to have
bouncing off the bottom
sometimes it's a very short distance from high to low. In a few weeks where things seemed to
urban nomads
The week since the ADU Tour has been a blur. We have been hopping from house to house in between
Portland ADU Tour
the word is apparently out... We had blocked out a week without guests in the garage so that we could