Spring fun in Portland

Been a crazy couple of weeks. We left costa rica feeling as though E was secure (and once again ours) but also concerned that we might return in a few months to have exactly the same set of complications and hassles. Part of us felt like once E started up we should have just driven out of the country as quickly as possible... But without karma and with me feeling like i was on death's door...we simply left things as they stood and boarded our flights home in the morning. Jen was able to get a quick dip in the pool on our last night, but it still felt like anything BUT a vacation.

Back in portland we spent the better part of a week simply recuperating. I slept more than i can recall i recent history... but I can now happily say i'm back to normal health! Didn't get much work done on the garage as a result, but i did at least finish out our house numbers and got the cardboard off the wall before any neighbors complained. I also entered the house numbers into a competition on instructables in an attempt to win a laser printer. Today's the final day for voting, so fingers crossed- owning a laser might just mean we could finally make some money and support ourselves!
Healthy Just in time for a weekend full of festivities, too. A few months back we all talked Brock's parents into coming to town for derby day, which also of course meant the panning of other events.
A few days of card playing and a group bus to wine country for a day of tastings. They are always so kind to make us feel completely a part of the family! A great group of family and friends came out for the tasting and we had a simply amazing day of it.

And how to best recover the day following a day full of wine tasting? The Kentucky Derby of Course! Headed downtown early with Brent to place our bets (worthlessly as it turns out). Then over to Brock and Kel's for the big event.
We made it back to portland just in time for last year's derby, but with the addition of the parents this year got a bit crazy. A full day of mint juleps followed by some cards... we all tried to be on our best behavior to ensure we made it out late enough to see Lael's band Young Vienna play...but it may or may not have gotten just a little ugly later in the evening. The band however was fantastic!
According to the stories everyone seems to want to tell about me...it might have just been me that got a little crazy...but i'm sure everyone else had a good time as well. It's so nice to feel healthy enough to play again!!

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