Some time with the Portland Fam

A work trip provided a nice weekend with our friends (family) in Ptown.
The week at work was heads down with Brock trying to get our new app strategy nailed down, and allowed little more than a few happy hours to debrief and decompress from being locked in the cave all day. I did get to spend a morning with Brent and Miri at music class, which was a rare treat. This is one of those awesome things that those of us without kids simply don't know goes on every day. Music Together is an international music movement and I'm pretty sure we'll see the world's next wave of musical genius' from its classrooms soon. For me, it was simply a great chance to connect with Miri on a level i haven't before due to our living out of town. She was sweet enough to grab a seat in my lap from the opening song, and made Uncle Bryan feel like he had been around every day. I still wake up singing the Hello song most mornings.

The weekend showed Jen arriving and us focusing more on enjoying ourselves with family (and a quick trip to drop off the last of our worldly possessions in storage). We also got a lot of quality time with Katherine, who sadly was mourning the loss of Franklin.
We will miss you Frank.

As the weekend was also the first truly sunny weekend in Portland (and both Kelby and Tricia celebrated birthdays this week), we spent most of our time outdoors, either playing volleyball and bocce in the park, hanging out with others at their backyard bbq, or with Team Sabai entrenched in our new obsession, Settler's of Catan. This game seems oddly created to match all of our obsessive and addictive personalities and we just cant get enough. The fact that the board changes for every game means that you're never bored, and one day we even squeezed in 5 rounds and were still starving for more!
Somehow in between games we managed to squeeze in a sushi night and a chance to head out for breakfast and meet Craig and Jenn's new addition to the family. Ethan is so friggin cute!

On the bus front, we lost our starter on the trip down. Kind of felt this coming over the last few trips given the number of times i was crawling under the bus to beat on the starter with a hammer (yes, the officially sanctioned repair by the Idiot's guide), but this time we actually found ourselves walking the last few blocks to our destination once in Portland, with Franks memorial tree in hand of course! Things were great on the way home with the new starter, but we stopped overnight at the casino to give both the bus and ourselves a bit of a break.

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