Sleepless in Wyoming

Planned on camping and flyfishing our way across Wyoming, but a quick stop in Evanston and Green River to do research (ask a local) kept us driving until Rawlings. The truck drivers traveling through Wyoming were a bit slowed down by the dangerz as interstate construction meant the road narrowed to a 1 lane with no passing signs posted. Did we mention E drives 55 only when on a flat road...uphill has us closer to 35...unless the hill is steep... Our apologies to all truck drivers. We headed off the interstate and into the North Platte Valley. Got off-road and quickly into back country as we looked for a place to stop for the night.

Ended up at Pick River Bridge on the N. Platte River which was at the end of a long dirt road to the middle of nowhere that made us feel like we were already in Baja. Deserted doesn't begin to describe how far out we felt here and the "campground" was nothing more than a dirt patch by the river marked by a bullet hole ridden sign. We were alone.
We parked as far up an incline as possible in case we had to push start in the morning (which ended up being a good idea) and set up the Fly rod for tomorrow. About an hour into our stay temps plummeted 20degrees and the wind ripped across the valley. We quickly packed up, loaded into the bus for some shelter, dinner and games.

Pitch dark soon, we decided to pack it in. Thought we'd leave the screen up and the cargo doors open, but jen got about 20 minutes in before the odd animal noises around us made her change her mind and shut the doors. Id like to say that made her feel more comfortable, but i woke up about a half dozen more times to her peering out the side windows, searching the surrounding shrubbage with the headlamp and asking if i "heard that". We heard hooves running, water splashing, and something howling out in the distance several times. As morning approached, karma joined in, deciding that a menacing growl every 90 seconds would keep the howling coyotes at bay. Jen was convinced that karma sensed a wild grranimal was right outside the bus. This must be like sleeping in a zoo... not exactly the best night of sleep to date.
We open the doors in the early morning to hit the water, and a large doe is no more than 50yards away and as we get out for a better glimpse the deer bounds away with a coyote trotting briskly after. The fishing wasn't as "excellent" as we were told (meaning my "skills" weren't as good as i hoped), and we headed south to Saratoga "where the trout leap on main street" to check in and find another campground/fishing opportunity.
Lets hope this evening produces more fish, and less of all other wildlife...

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