Serendipity in Sayulita

and some new friends... In the morning we drive into sayulita. We figure we're so close we might as well hit a few shops, grab a burrito and maybe check out the waves. But more than any of that, we wanted to say hello to Jose, the vet that saved karma's life. We wanted him to see the dog that he saw in such a bad state years ago and to now (calmly and with smiles) thank him for what he did. It wasn't without tears, but it was one of those conversations that just had to happen in person.
His face and voice to us are still profoundly soothing. Maybe because we met him in the middle of perhaps our most stressed out period and he was just that. Calming, soothing and better yet, damn good at his job. Thank you jose!

We walk around town for a bit...still always have the same odd feeling here. It's a great town, just not quite for least for longer than a day visit. Just too busy and touristy, but far easier to handle this time around than after many quiet, pristine months on the road last time. We eventually take a break and sit down for some tacos, and are chatting with a few girls from BC at the table next to us when a couple walks up and says "are you guys the dangerz?".
That one got our attention!
This meeting was serendipitous for certain. Turns out John and Paula were just walking by, glanced at us and just happened to hear us tell the girls that we had quit our jobs exactly as they were walking by- which made everything click. They have been reading our blog, somehow recognized us in the brief walk by; and were willing to stop to say hello. Fastest new friends ever!
They are now on their own journey south and looking for their own bigger picture (from california to south america), and they seem to be doing in danger style... slow, relaxed and without much of a plan. We love it!! The four of us sat and talked about life and freedom and the craziness that is this odd lifestyle. These two not only get it, but they are enjoyable, impossibly happy and to say we have a lot in common would be a great understatement.
We could have kept talking for hours or days (in fact, i think our quick hello lasted at least an hour). We wish them all the best in their travels and their search...and we can't wait until our mutual paths have us both in the same geographic region again!
Buen viaje John and Paula!! =)

After we finally both head our separate ways, we decide to hit the beach in front of sayulita and paddle out to try our hand at the waves. They were bigger than we've seen them in sayulita and we got pretty battered around. Totally the paddle out, but made me long for a nice clean point break.
The rest of our time in san pancho was spent relaxing, enjoying the town and sunset on the beach. In the morning we wake and made the long haul to mazatlan to catch our ferry to Baja!
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