Return of the waves was awesome to get in the water today! Feels good! Our pleasant surprise today. waves! the swell has returned and we dont even need to drive to our typical spots. The direction is in our favor and waves are rolling in just down from our place. This is how it played out....We look at the surf report online, run up to the roof palapa (the one with the amazing view), spot waves along the entire coastline and a handful of surfers catching a few, return down the stairs to sunscreen our bodies/wax our boards. Within minutes we are paddling out and catching a few ourselves.
As always, almost everyone in the water is from the PNW. By far the largest number of those being from BC, followed by oregon and washington. Once we're in the lineup its easier to simply say "Portland, Seattle or VAN" than the traditional "where you down from" conversation. Today's friends were a couple from kelowna as well as a guy who sailed down with his wife from seattle last year. We can see his boat anchored nearby in the bay as we surf. How cool is that to jump off your sail boat with your board to paddle in to the break? A bit dreamy. They are at the end of their trip and after this season they have to return somewhere to settle down and work. He offered to sell us his sailboat.
Outside of the surfer crowd, colorado still represents. Maybe alaska and frontier airlines simply have deals that are just that good? Maybe the peops living in the pacific northwest and colorado simply have such an adventurous/exploratory nature that it keeps them coming back despite the media's assault on mexico?
We have been mostly hiding in our cave for the last few days. Enjoying the down time and the little things. Each morning we wake up to the sound of birds. Not a couple tweeting softly, but Hundreds of birds in the trees outside our kitchen talking it up, making quite the racket. We hear them as though they are inside our condo despite the closed window. Each night we fall asleep to music from the palapa restaurant below. Usually it's the Mexican polka with the occasional 90's boy band song thrown in, but tonight its dance party.

Bry's been getting quite a bit of work done on the next painting. Can't say he's in love with it yet, but still working away. I just love watching his work unfold and evolve. Its quite something to experience, I feel like a lucky one. I'm making some danger cards for when we hit the road again. And yoga, lots of yoga. And as a first for me, a little Pilates.

In the late afternoons, we have been getting out to explore this small pueblo a bit more. We enjoyed a beautiful rooftop happy hour during sunset at a newly opened restaurant. A little vino rojo as the sky was turning dark after another bright, sunshiney day. We checked out the work of a local artist in town who's art studio was open as we walked by. An interesting chat with him about several pieces he is in the middle of working on simultaneously while he was cleaning up his paints. This afternoon we went very local inspired by an hombre that rode by on his bicicleta carrying a giant beer in each hand. We stopped in a mercado, bought a ballena of pacifico or a " whale of a beer" and carried it around with us as we strolled through the pueblo. There is nothing out of the ordinary about sipping from a 32 oz bottle of beer while walking or riding your bike. When in Mexico....

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