Portland Wine Tasting

When you are an American living in Canada, American Thanksgiving kinda sucks. On that famous 3rd Thursday in November, there's no turkey, no football, no hot toddies nor punkin pie, and most definitely no games around the fire. Instead its business as usual, its work, its important meetings and critical deadlines. And if you have our friends....the day after Thanksgiving is the annual wine tasting party.
So if you were an American living in Canada, what would you do? And the answer is....you take a vacation day and fly to good ol ptown to spend Q time with family and friends. Important meetings and critical deadlines meant we could not go until Friday so we missed the traditional thanksgiving festivities, but this year we did not miss the 2011 Thanksgiving Wine Tasting.

After a lovely couple of hours having lunch at BJs, we headed over to Kelby and Tricia's to join about 20 other wine lovers. Dee was amazing as always as she lead us through some wine education focusing on old world vs new world wines. We also spent some time tasting wine before and after certain foods to experience the difference food pairing creates. Words like floral, tangy, spicy could be heard as well as phrases like "it becomes one with my tongue", and "now this is something i could drink all night". After the Pinot Gris, Sauv Blancs, Pinot Noirs and Tempranillos, we sat down to a lovely prime rib dinner. And we ended the evening sitting around the fire still sipping wine and spending some Q time with the people we love. Brent and Dee and Miri, Kelby and Tricia, and Bryan and I were slumber partying it up Oceanside style. Bryan and I couldn't have been happier.
The next day was the famous civil war between the Oregon Ducks and the Oregon State Beavers so we went to Blitz bar, where the couches are very uncomfortable, but the totchos are delicious and the tv screens are plentiful. it was a full day of football and nerts and friends. so much fun!

The late afternoon/evening was awesome as well, as we soaked in the hot tub, dined on crab bisque & sipped bubbly, and once again found ourselves around the fire playing games until the middle of the night. An amazing time. The next morning, early, we enjoyed the poblano chorizo breakie that we are all so in love with (i think dee and i love it the very most) and then we hugged and rehugged and hugged some more before brentarelli drove us to the airport. back to van for us. we had a sweet time!
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