Portland for the 4th

I couldn't just let them drive away!
I had the next few days off and jen found out she would have to work late into the night over the same period. I decided last minute to hop in the back of the car with KnT, head to Portland for the BBQ and return on the train first thing Tuesday. Kelby and Trish are queens of the road trip, and it was awesome that they allowed me to hitch a ride on such short notice.
Oh Portland, how I’ve missed you. It was awesome to be back in Ptown, although it really just increased the craving. We crashed after the drive with just enough energy to make it out for a bryan’s bowl and some ritas from Por Que No?

por que no
I ran out for breakfast on the 4th in a rush of excitement for a reggie deluxe from Pine State Biscuits. This sandwich still literally invokes mouth watering with a single thought and it has been almost a year since I’ve been able to enjoy one. Tragic.
More tragically- they were closed for the holiday. As was my second choice, the much loved Screen Door and their cathead biscuit. A trip to Portland without one of its world famous breakfasts…it’s simply amazing I was able to go on.

closed for the holiday
The party and ensuing feast were fantastic. With Brent’s ribs, fresh cherry hand pies Kelby baked earlier and Dan’s 1,2,3,floor margaritas. The first annual rita-off was a success, although I think a recount may be in order. At the very least, the rules may need some polishing before next year’s shake off.

rita off



miri and brent
Dan and I share the same birthday, and this year was not to be missed as we combine for an even 100years on Wednesday. The day could have only been more special if Caley could have been with us since she shares the sme birthday (and of course jen, who’s presence was missed by everyone).

100 years

go by train
The trip back seemed to take forever, but the train/bus combination allowed me to get some work done. It was truly great to see everyone, but best part of the trip was being able to tell everyone we would see them in only 3 short weeks!!
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