Obsessed with beach volleyball much?

This week we have been getting our volleyball fix for sure.
Tuesday night we played on Bailie’s team at Jericho beach. She asked us on Monday if we would be interested in coming in as subs for her team. But of course! The weather was perfect, the beers were cold, the post volleyball sunset was gorgeous. Karma enjoyed her spot on the grassy knoll overlooking the beach with the occasional belly rub. It was an awesome night! So much fun!

And Thursday night was our Balls of Fury team playing 4's again at Jericho Beach. Seriously nothing can beat a night of Beach volleyball for Bry and I right now. We always enjoyed our league night, but now were playing 4s instead of crowded 6s, and the beach actually has an ocean instead of a fence and a bus depot.

The weather fabulous. the gin and tonic refreshing. Karma landed on a nearby spot to chill while we played, and soon found herself surrounded by 10 or 12 Europeans. From where we stood, with karma sitting smack in the middle of this group it totally looked as though she was a campfire they were crowding around to keep warm. You'd never know from looking at the group that they had no idea who the dog belonged to, or what her story was. Between these random events and the fact that people simply can't get over the fact that karma will simply hang out on the beach (without a leash or anything else to keep her from bolting for the ocean), I cant help feeling we have the perfect beach dog.

After helping Urban Rec packed away the nets, we fired up the bbq. Chef George grilled up some delish steak and chicken, Anca brought Smokies, and we made a coconut rice and bean dish which will now be a new staple in our lives. We rounded it out with grilled Rosemary Garlic Bread. The Volleyball, the sunset, the cool peops, the happy dog, This is Vancouver living.
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