Moving again

that makes 10 times in 5years (if we count all the moving in the bus as only one). 10 times since we’ve begun this crazy process of trying to reinvent ourselves. I’d like to say we’re experts at it by now, but that's likely just because in each attempt we’ve gotten rid of half or our belongings...which in turn makes the next move twice as efficient/easy. This move we wont really be getting rid of anything as there’s nothing left to purge. If anything, we’re now on the opposite end of the spectrum and may need to add a bit to our stock. I had a good friend point out in shock that she hadn’t seen a particular pair of shorts before. Apparently i hadn’t randomized my choices enough and the last few times i saw her i was wearing the same shorts...easy to do with only three pair of clothing options. We also cook half our meals in our backpacking/camp pans. Our good pan is in the bus, but it probably wouldn’t be the end of the world if we had another. Probably.

This move will take us out of the condo unit we we’ve been renting and into a duplex where friends already live in the opposite side. It also moves us to the other side of our neighborhood. Only about a 20 block difference, but since jen and i rarely wander far from home it will give us a nice change of venues. The apartment itself will be far more space than we need, but it’s cheaper and it means we will have a front porch for bbqs and a garage/backyard for projects. Right now project space seems like gold for us.
There is also no formal lease, which means we can decide to leave at any point if we get the itch to return to the bus. No commitment=happy Dangerz.
We have been spending a large portion of our days at ADX working on projects. Its been great to have tools at our fingertips and to let the creativity flow. Our first foray into furniture making (our dining room table) has been completed and was christened with a game night on the very same day we brought it home. As it should be.
We learned a lot in the building process but are pretty happy with the overall outcome. The table officially brings our grand total of furniture pieces we live with up to two...if you count the mattress on the floor, so we’ve also already started our next piece. Maybe eventually when friends come to visit they wont have to sit on the floor- dare to dream.

We are finding that the other beauty of ADX is the built in community. Most of our friends have to go to work during the week, but this way we are not only creating our reclaimed furniture but also hanging out with a group of very cool and creative peeps at the same time.
Jen and I both got signed up as working members this week (Jen at the front desk and i as a shop steward), which means we can trade a few working days for free membership. A perfect fit in our lifestyle/savings plan!
It was a bit uncomfortable to pull out/revise the old resumes, but luckily the interview process was quick and we were able to shake of our commitment fears by reminding ourselves that without pay, it isn’t really a job.

In addition to the normal working day community, the ADX space also hosts a series of events. Over the past two weeks alone we got to attend the DEEP PDX Dance Party (a stop in the DEEP world tour) and a Southern Summer Sunday Supper put on by Bluebird Realty.
We didnt even know portland had a dance scene, much less enough to bring together a few hundred dancers for a dance off. The supper party even meant a chance for jen to bake her first pie (or first handful of mini pies, since that's the only baking sheet we have). She took third place in the pie competition....making her pretty much famous now.
Awesome events and a great chance for us to soak up Portland culture, food and music...which is why we came back in the first place.

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