Insurance and Emissions

The Canada post strike must have ended because we have mail in our box again. That, or someone called and told the post that it was an inconvenience and they decided to deliver the mail even during the strike. Wouldn’t be too surprised…Canadian niceties and all. What did we learn from the mail? Apparently our auto insurance is expiring. Tomorrow. Yikes. I called to reinstate the insurance. No issues, paid by phone and I'll simply pickup the paperwork during our move tomorrow. Check that, got a call back from the insurance company… apparently our year grace period is up and we have to go to aircare to get the emissions tested. That should go well…since our vehicle is so up to date on modern standards in every conceivable way. right. Regardless according to some government catch 22- we can’t get insurance until we pass, and if we miss the deadline of tomorrow, we can’t get tested without insurance. I guess some things are the same no matter which country you reside. I drive over to air care and as presumed, we failed. But at least having tested allows us to get a 3 month renewal on insurance until things can be tuned up a bit. Oddly, the guy helping me was shell shocked to see me. Okay, to see the bus really. Apparently in his length of time working at aircare, he has only seen 2 split buses. As it turns out I'm his second of the morning, by 10am. Apparently the other guy fared better in the test results (but it was also his second attempt, after said tune up).
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