Good Friends Good Times

Our friends are so cool. Really. Kelby and Tricia are awesome! They have a free long weekend that happens to be oh so close to bryan’s birthday, so what do they do? they call us up to tell us they are roadtripping up to BC to see us. We tell them we are moving, and may be in a bit of disarray and they say great we would love to help you get settled in your new place. Amazing.

kelby and tricia
They arrive Thursday night 9:30pm and bry and I are absolutely spent from packing loading, cleaning, unloading. Ah the joys of moving. The 2 of us are actually at the local social house enjoying dinner on our new chef/vball buddy Marshall. What an amazing welcome to the neighborhood great to meet ya surprise that was. Thanks Marshall. But back to knt….We are absolutely stoked to see each other…its been 4 months. Our dogs are equally stoked to see each other as its been a year for them. We spend the evening unpacking while talking and sipping cocktails. Its almost 2am when we blow up the air mattress which fits snuggly between our luxurious white leather sectional and our zen bed in the bachelor apt we will call home for the next year. we all crash quickly.

buddha bus

new digs

canada day on granville island

leaf tats

sunset at dog beach
The next 2 days are filled with more unpacking, enjoying the Canada Day celebrations on Granville Island, walks to dog beach, more cocktails, Frisbee in the park, a trip to the farmers market, beer tasting (see the post on storm brewing), a little bbq action, as well as sharing a fantastic bottle from a super stellar favorite Oregon winery, sincline…good times. We love you guys.

love deeply
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