French Quarter Fest

New Orleans has never been better.
Sadly, i have. Im so far off 100% that its tough not to simply stay in the room all day, but once i muster the strength to tape up the toe, pop some decongestants and hobble out onto the street... i couldn't be happier that i did.

Jen and i have always loved new orleans. I came for the first time many years ago for work and immediately fell in love with the city. This is the third time for jen and i together; and the chance to come play with Brock, Kel and the fam was just too good of an offer to pass up.
Nawlins is special to us for many reasons but it simply never gets old. This town can be whatever you want it to be on any given day. I could spend days simply eating my way through the streets. The crawfish alone calls to me to return. The gumbo, etouffee, jambalaya and other local fares makeup my perfect menu and never get old.
In new orleans you can make your days about art or culture. About music and bars. About people watching or history lessons, architecture or gambling. Or all of the above, if you can find the time. Each trip is different and each is special.
Certainly this city has its underbelly. It has it's seedy parts and filthy moments. But those aren't the parts we come here to see and they aren't the ones that keep our focus. We choose to see the nawlins that is romantic and beautiful. It's historic, majestic and its people are proud. It's perfect every time we come.

This is our first time coming during any major festival and we knew the streets would be crowded, but we may have underestimated just how much. We also knew there would be music in the streets, but we never could have imagined the variety or the talent we would see. Unlike Jazzfest, quarter fest isn't focused on one place, it's spread throughout the city and hosts bands and music acts of many kinds.
Our first day was simply a medley of walking from stage to stage, letting our ears direct our feet to the next band and letting our stomaches tell us when to stop for a break along the way. The musicians are amazing. We could sit at one stage all day and not be disappointed, but the thought of missing something keeps us getting up and wandering on to the next.

Luckily Brock brought his camera along. This town has far too much to offer for our little point and shoot, and sadly our SLR camera and lens died during our trip south. I've been coping with the loss so far but a day sharing a nice camera and zoom lens has me salivating as much as the basket of crawfish i just devoured on the way back to the hotel.
Sorry for the photo heavy post...but i assure you this is a small sampling of the hundreds i took during the day. I could stand on a single corner all day and not run out of things to photograph...and the smile might not leave my face the entire time. It's only when we wander home that i start to remember how exhausted i truly am and how many hours the city captivated us again.
Nothing a cocktail on the balcony while people watching can't cure. I'll be ready for the nightlife in no time. Or maybe tomorrow...

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