Craters of the Moon, ID

The drive up and across the sawtooths was tedious-the bus kept running hot as we tried to climb hills in the relentless heat and our speedometer would alternate between working and dying (telling us we were going impossibly slow and plummeting to zero as if taunting us with the other option).

We kept desperately wanting to pull over and let he bus cool, but dint see a single patch of shade in our 5hour drive. In this case, slow and steady wins the race and keeps the engine cool (or at least from overheating).
We pull into Craters of the Moon national park with about 45 minutes of light left, setup camp and make dinner. An amazing coconut rice and fresh Idaho produce on the grill...just what we needed to relax after 2 rough days.

Craters of the moon is truly something to see. A lava landscape like we've never seen and a peaceful and quiet campground tucked into the lava flow. The stars we impossibly bright and the cool air and breeze was a perfect rest from the heat. We learn in the morning that the couple next to us has been touring the world in their peugeot camper for three years. mental note to introduce ourselves to camping neighbors next time...i'm sure they have some amazing stories to tell of their journeys!

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