Cozumel, Mexico

what an amazing time... We met Kent and Lynn during our trip south while in playa cerritos on baja and knew that we had made lifelong friends. Later that year when we heard they were driving their RV through mexico, we couldn't help but drive back from belize to see them again and congratulate them on the trip. This time around they raised the bar by renovating a house on an island... there was really never any chance we wouldn't change our route home accordingly.

We pulled up outside their new project and it was as though it had only been days since we last saw them. They are impossibly good hosts and make us feel completely comfortable.
They also love and spoil karma...i'm not sure shes going to be willing to leave at the end of our stay (if we ever find the strength to leave). They somehow always make us feel more like we're staying at a resort than a friend's place.
We spend our days catching up with them, touring and eating (and drinking) our way through the island. Everything is so fresh here and Kent is a master of the grill. We also stumbled upon the beauty that is pok chuk, another ridiculously good mexican meat we somehow never tasted before.
Not only is pok chuk grilled perfection, but seems to be impossibly cheap by the kilo and the island has several places rivaling for the best in town (we might just try them all).

And then we snorkeled.... Ahh snorkeling. Being underwater used to be the basis of planning for every vacation jen and i took years ago. Back when we had jobs and the tension and stress would build up all year and then needed to be released in a single epic 2 week vacation good enough to last all year.
Every one of those 2 week jaunts we pointed directly toward good diving and snorkeling. Sadly, we also have been since we started our downsizing and savings plan years ago. Our day snorkeling on coz was windy and by far not perfect conditions...but we still saw a few angelfish, several juvies and even a few spotted rays hanging out under coral. it was amazing!
And it reignited our passion for being underwater. This year we will travel specifically for underwater goodness again. Count on it.
It was also amazing to see Kent pull a trash bag out of the back of the truck so we could fill a bag with garbage from the beach. Not enough to save the island, but enough to make a difference. I love the fact that they always seem to be paying attention and find a way to give a little something back.

So far every day here is a relaxing adventure. We are having a blast. It's the first time we've truly felt like we were on "vacation" during the drive north. We have no worries, no concerns, nothing to fix or figure out...we are simply enjoying.
Simply soaking up time with people we love, enjoying living for a few days in the terrific lifestyle they are creating for themselves on cozumel, and taking it all in with giant smiles on our faces. It's fantastic!!
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