Christmas in VAN

Well, Christmas was a bit uneventful for us.
With our savings plan we haven't been buying gifts for each other for the last few years, and since we don't really have peeps in VAN to celebrate with Jen and I spent most of the holiday weekend watch cheesy Christmas movies (and a few good ones) on the couch.
We knew this was coming, which is why we headed back to Portland a few weeks ago to get our fix of loved ones. Now as we sit here thinking of and missing those closest to us, we're really glad we did.

We splurged a bit on Christmas eve and fixed up an awesome seafood feast. We joked many years ago that we would start a tradition of lobster dinner on Christmas eve to make sure our kids always wanted to spend the holidays at our house...and we've had the lobster ever since. Yes, we are aware that we don't have kids, but the preparation doesn't hurt.
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