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We’ve been so heads down with the garage project that we haven’t thought about or done much else. We’ve been plowing through the details to get the place “finished” before our trip but still have a few things left undone...despite their being among the top of the list. I installed shelves in the kitchen, but have one set left to drill and install. After scouring craigslist for months we finally found an affordable sectional that faced the right way for our space. That meant we were able to build the loft and move the bed, and i crafted some stairs for karma that will eventually (hopefully) slide out from the cabinets they will be a part of. I was quite proud when i brought them home, but soon found out karma has no interest in climbing them (they're a bit too steep and in need a of a redesign). Checked off the list, and now back on the top of it.
I even made some house numbers for us, but like the rest of the projects ran out of time to finish. Even now as we fly away...there's one cardboard number sloppily tacked up on top of the rest, taunting me in my absence and reminding me of tasks undone. Curse you cardboard number.

Jen was a trooper yesterday in getting things ready for our departure. I caught the second round of some bug going around town and was pretty much flat on my back most of the day. Luckily, she still managed to get us prepped, packed and ready to go. We had a brief happy hour with Brian, who in our absence will be the first guest at the garage and we handed over the keys and gave what actually turns out to be a pretty quick tour before he moves in.
He seems like a nice guy and i'm sure the place will be in good hands while we’re away. We’ve had off and on hesitations about the idea of renting our place, about having someone we don’t know staying there- but right now it seems like a great idea having someone there watching and enjoying the place for us while were away. Rather like having a house-sitter that pays us instead- not a horrible deal.

Sadly, Jen set our alarm incorrectly last night and came close to missing our cab (and flight) this morning. Haven't had that feeling in a while...y'know the knock at the door that makes you realize your cab is outside and despite the fact you're still asleep and have 15 minutes of things to do you actually only have 5minutes to get out the door and in the car. Awesome!
We made it in time (thanks to a slip into the premium check-in line with brock and kelly)...but sadly in a still-half-asleep rush to leave i busted my toe open on the sidewalk. Real good. Great start to our travel for certain.
It's funny, we’ve been putting this trip off for as long as possible and almost dreading having to go deal with the bus instead of nesting in our new home like we'd like...but now that were in flight i couldn’t be more excited. Excited to explore. Excited to see things i haven’t seen before. Excited to see things i have seen before in a different way. Excited to be somewhere warm and to take some days/weeks without a project or deadline.
Even before we landed from our first flight we had a message waiting from airbnb that someone else had rented the garage, and less than an hour after landing in 'nawlins we had another week rented in June. Seems the universe is giving us a clear sign that we should travel more not less. Perfect.
Im still half sick, half asleep, half gimpy with a full on bloody toe...but bring on New Orleans and the french quarter festival!!

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