Tunco to Cuco, El Savador
We pull into tunco knowing that it’s a bit too busy for us, but needing to get online again
Back in El Zonte
Our time in el zonte is a paradox between the tranquillo serenity onshore and the power constantly crashing just meters
Tunco, El Salvador
We eventually learn that in this small bay there are many things that can be difficult to find. Internet it
El Zonte, El Salvador
Nothing but wind and waves in El Salvador. All night the wind gusts through the shade structure that is our
slow boat, country drive and border crossing to El Salvador
its a bit slower than planes, trains and automobiles, but we make it work... In the morning we decide to
Monterrico, Guatemala
We pull out of the surf house and rattle down the sandy road. Eventually we run back into pavement and
Paredon, Guatemala
sadly, the boards remain dusty and strapped to the roof of the bus.I woke up with a bit of
Paredon, Guatemala
We wake up with the vendors and get back on the road. But only after seeking out the cajero (ATM)
Guatemala, Round 2
We successfully made our way back into guatemala, meaning we are no longer driving the roads of mexico (illegally).The
On the road again, Chiapas
We finally shake the dust off and get underway. Two more days working on the engine and seeking advice online