Holiday Reflections
Ah the holidaze...Not so many long ago we were talking about how we didn't have plans for
the waiting game
we hit a bit of a pothole in the building process.Its funny that it would happen right as we
Dreams for sale
I can hardly believe i'm writing this post. We can barely bring ourselves to talk about it, much
Thawing out
Portland temps have been hovering in the 20's for the last 2 weeks. Excellent timing for a couple
and oh so many things to be thankful for.It’s hard to even remember where we were last year
Solid Foundation
Work continues at the garage.We continue to meet/hire contractors and make difficult decisions. The largest of which so
Sticker shock
Reality is slowly setting in. We've been talking about this project for a while now. Talking and mocking
Rules, rules and more rules
All part of working with government i guess. We were featured a few months back on the Tiny House blog,
Finally, a plan...
Okay, not so much a plan, but at least a step. We had a clear realization some time ago that
Seasons change
Oh how time flies...We tried to take some time to relax and enjoy ourselves after the big push to