Take me to the Wilderness
Many years ago not long after jen and i first met, she told me "Take me to the wilderness.
Freedom to roam
I may be finally wrapping my mind around this whole freedom thing. It's only been in the last
Summertime flying by
I don't think i've ever gone this long without a blog post since its inception. Really
Return to VAN
Since Jen's return its been pretty much life as normal. Whatever "normal life" means to us
Diving into the business pool
We've finally made the plunge. I still cant say that i have a clear answer to the "
Missing my other half
Jen was supposed to be home today...and a week go when she left that seemed impossibly long. As it
Family beach trip
Our next AirBnB guest was set to stay through memorial day weekend...what better chance to get away. So far
Feeding the soul.
We've been hosting a lot of dinners lately. Seems like almost every other night we are have dinner
The Antithesis of Productivity
I've been spinning out a bit lately. I think part of my deep reflective (but less-than productive) state
the Times
The NY Times. So big, so global, and yet somehow they find our little casa. After the excitement of our