E's dead baby...E's dead.
As our friends depart for the airport, we drive north on I-5. Originally, we thought about going the other direction
North of SanFran
we're getting close! After the 17 mile drive, we head north toward san francisco looking for Half Moon
Pacific Coast Highway
definitely taco de ojo Our next few days of driving were absolute bliss. Our last month or so in mexico
SoCal Coast
and elephant seals...
We finally get the bus back together after a new clutch, a new brake line and other
Stateside again...
with a bit of difficulty.
After over 2.5 months, 6600km, 7 countries (and surprisingly few breakdowns), we wake up
Mexican Wine Country
Yes... mexican.We are getting tediously close to the states and we're aware our hours in baja mexico
Bajia Los Angeles
Back on the Sea of Cortez
We spent one more day in Ojo de Liebre coming down from our whale
Among the Whales in Ojo
We woke with the sun (as per normal) and awaited the whales.Shari was waiting on the perfect boat and
Ojo de Liebre
We could have stayed on santispac for a month… and in the future may well do just that. But for