Ah, Portlandia!

We are so excited we can barely stand it.We are in Portland for a few days in route to Bend for Brock and Kelly's wedding.
As if the event itself isn't really exciting, it also means we get out first extended trip in the bus and we get to hang in Portland for a few days.

We drove as far south as the border last night but didn't want to cross before midnight and waste of of our days in the country. This cap on days is a real pain in the ass.
Since we had ample time, we had dinner at the Keg in WhiteRock and slept in a parking lot near the freeway. Turned out the noise level wasn't exactly sleepworthy (and we were so excited we could barely stand it) so at 2:30am we gave up and made a run for the border. The bus drove great and we alternated naps and driving shifts to get in early and safely.
Our goal was to get to Portland in time for the Duck game, but due to our early morning/late night departure we got in early enough to stop in at the duck shop and grab breakfast before heading over to our old digs for the game.

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