a wrinkle in time

ever wake up in the morning and feel like you just missed an entire day, week (or year)?Its been a whirlwind around here, and sadly the blog seems to be the thing that falls off the plate. I would keep apologizing for that, but until i solve the problem it hardly seems worth the apology.
Its funny. In our old lives (the one where we both worked 60hours a week and tried to squeeze whatever fun, friends and travel in we could on weekends and the 2-3week vacation that we could force once a year) creativity was the one thing that we never had time for. Now it almost seems like it's the thing squeezing others out of the way.
In the last three days alone i've pulled an allnighter working to fix some issues exporting our teardrop files from sketchup to cad, another working on Oregon Duck tshirts designs (which are selling at duckpondman's website, if you happen to be a duck fan) and countless hours planning a piece for an upcoming artshow that i may be a part of. its a flurry...but a fun one!

That's all good for now, but once i feed the creative beast for a while i'm hoping we hit some type of balance where allnighters and lapses in time (and blog) arent so regular.
As i come back around to the blog i realize that there's an entire period of time that got misplaced and unwritten about probably during the same time my laptop went down. Pity really, as it was mid july and the weather was awesome. Perfect for things like bbqs streetfairs and sitting on the front porch. We did a ton of those things and got to hang with some really cool peeps in the process. Since the blog is our own personal photo journal, i just cant not recover the wrinkle in time.
The mississippi street fair was an amazing event. I can remember years ago when the neighborhood felt a bit sketchy while its now considered the "in" place to be. We went to the street fair back in the day and there might have been dozens of people throughout the day...now thousands flock to the streets for the day.
This neighborhood is one of portland's best examples of how well the city seems to take really unattractive streets and neighborhoods and convert them into some of the best in town.

Our friends Brock and Kelly got the keys to their new house, which means we got some nice front porch time in while talking about renovations and updates.
We also had a great backyard bbq at Bill and Suzanne's. Met an awesome group of people (cool peeps attract more cool peeps) and we got some amazing homemade sausages and a huge bounty of a meal.
Capped the night off with smores made it the oven. Not exactly the same experience as standing around the campfire with a marhmallow on a stick, but they tasted even better then than the traditional. Yum.

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