We're all in this together!

We spend a lot of time answering questions and trying to help, counsel, or hopefully inspire others… and we are passionate about it!
Sometimes it’s someone we stumble into along our own journey, sitting at a campfire or walking on the beach. Others write in asking us questions about our life and/or path, looking for a bit of advise or maybe just hoping for someone to tell them “it will all be okay” as they find the courage to take their own leap (toward whatever change it is they are seeking). Others still... we have no idea we've impacted until they reach out years later sharing a photo or a video at an exciting destination, or letting us know that they've pulled the trigger (sold the house, quit the job or bought a boat/van).
For those who reach out, the questions are almost always pretty similar, and almost the same as the ones we had back in the day when we felt "stuck" and couldn't envision a way out:
- How will we make the money to continue?
- What will the future hold?
- What happens if things don’t go according to plan?
- How do I know it will be okay?

The secret is… that there is no secret.
There’s no “right” answer to any of these questions. The reality is that most (if not all of us) are still simply figuring it out as we go. None of us know what our future holds (nor how long it will last).
Taking a leap to make change in one’s life is rarely (if ever) the final leap, the last decision or the ultimate path chosen. In fact in hindsight - what felt like a mighty leap at the time was probably more like a small first step forward... but it certainly doesn't feel like it when you're standing at the top of that cliff or in the open doorway of that plane.
The reality is that we are all constantly re-evaluating, making changes and adjustments to the course, relearning and reinventing ourselves as needed (as we each/all figure out how to make more money, find more balance or chase our new/updated definition of happiness).
The critical choice is simply to keep moving.
To keep taking steps forward in any direction and keep fighting for the happiness, freedom and/or balance that you’re seeking.
Just because you can’t yet envision the final destination and can’t yet map out the clearest/best path to get there… doesn’t mean you aren’t gaining ground and making progress. It just doesn't always feel like it.
Just keep taking steps forward - and when you don’t know which way you’re going… any direction is forward.

One of the best parts of us being in a "transition phase" seems to be that it makes our story more approachable or reminds people that none of us have it all figured out.
We’ve had an increase of people writing/DM'ing us or reaching out in person (which we always love)!
Some, of course are just checking in on us, or questioning our own choices (we LOVE our community) but most often, asking for feedback or advice on their own journey, which we also love.
Questions relating to fear or timing or finding the strength to take a leap on their own…
We post here (and on social media/instagram) for the community of awesome people we get to connect with and we share our story only in hopes that it helps to motivate someone else to find their own happiness and freedom.
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out personally or to share our account or story with someone who might be looking to make change... we are happy to help as best we can.
We’re all in this together and we all learn and we grow together and find our confidence and power in sharing!!

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